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Monday, February 20, 2012

Cat Flea Bites in Humans

If you are wondering if it is possible for humans to get bitten by cat fleas, then you are right in wondering about it. A cat flea is capable of doing that. When one of these fleas starts biting you, it could really be very irritating and will surely cause you some discomfort for several days.

For some people, they show some allergy to the fleas' saliva thus creating a more severe form of allergy. Getting a bite from a cat flea or Ctenocephalides Felis could be very itchy and when you start scratching the bitten part, it will cause secondary infections. When it comes to demographic data, it shows that children are less susceptible to these types of infections as compared to adults.

Since we are already talking about secondary infections, Murine Typhus is a possible outcome. Just take note that this condition is still very rare. It is also possible to acquire tapeworm infection when you or your pet will accidentally swallow a flea. Cats are known for doing this but this rarely happens to humans.

Cat fleas are known to be very small wingless creatures. These parasites can't fly but their legs are so powerful that they can jump at about 18 inches from where it came from. Because of the height that it is able to leap, the common areas where these fleas bite are in the ankles and lower legs. Having said so, it should not be ruled out that bites could also occur in areas such as the armpits, elbows and even the waist area.

Sometimes, cat flea bites go to the point that they are almost negligible to humans. You will not feel the bite but what you will feel is the itchiness that goes with the bite. The itchiness is usually found on areas of the skin with tiny reddish or pink bumps. If you allow yourself to scratch the part where the flea just bit you, you can end up putting yourself at risk for infection.

If you have multiple cat flea bites already, the first thing that you need to do is to secure treatment from your medical doctor. If the bites are not that serious, you can do home treatments such as washing the areas with an antiseptic soap. Prevent scratching from happening. You can do this by using some calamine lotion or any anesthetic cream to relieve you from the itchiness. For those with swelling bumps that were caused by cat flea bites, ice pack will help a lot.

Human beings could also be victims of these cat fleas. If you and your pet stay together most of the time, the risk of being infected is higher as compared to being alone or by being with yourself only most of the time. When you get infected with flea bites, this is an indication that your cat has fleas too.

To prevent yourself and your cat from getting those unwanted bites, undergo treatments to remove those fleas and at the same time, clean the environment. Not removing these cat fleas from your pet or from your house will definitely cause a lot of biting on you.

R. Jacquez Has been writing articles for over three years now. His Newest interest is in getting rid of fleas on humans, make sure to visit his website at

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Monday, February 6, 2012

Cat Flea Treatments - Ways To Get Rid of Cat Fleas

Using cat flea treatments can be the difference between life and death for your pet. Believe it or not, while in most instances fleas are little more than a nuisance, they can actually lead to very serious health issues as well. The problem is, many cat owners do not even realize their cat has fleas until they spot a chunk of fur missing.

It is easier to see fleas on cats with lighter fur, as fleas are extremely difficult to see due to their tiny size. If your cat has darker fur, you will probably have to use a magnifying glass.

What happens if you do nothing to treat them? Well, even if nothing happens to the cat, you still have to worry about the fleas getting inside the house and laying eggs. However, in many instances the cat can get something known as anemia. This is a potentially deadly disease.

While your cat is not likely to die from fleas, why take the chance? Either way, it is important to act on it. Here are three things you must do to eliminate the flea threat now:

1. Educate yourself

There are many different treatments out there. Most of the commercial ones use harsh chemicals to kill the fleas. For this reason, a lot of them produce severe side effects. Some of the products used have even been known to result in death in rare instances. For this reason, it is important to find out what the possible side effects are before risking using it on your pet.

Also, remember that there are plenty of good natural treatments as well. These holistic treatments are quite good at getting rid of fleas without causing any negative effects.

The problem is, some of these solutions are actually dangerous to use. A few of them are actually known to produce harmful side effects, but the best ones eliminate the fleas without causing any damage. A couple natural solutions you should consider are the flea comb and borate powder. The best method is to read reviews online of any product you are considering and see what customers are saying about it. This will let you know of any issues that others have experienced.

However, make sure the product is made specifically for your animal. There are different treatments for different sized cats, and there is no one size fits all solution that works. Also, absolutely never use a dog flea treatment on a cat, because dogs and cats are not made to handle the same ingredients.

2. Follow directions

When applying the solution, make absolutely sure you follow the guidelines exactly. If you deviate even a little, it can cause serious issues.

3. Use the treatment throughout the house

That is correct-if your cat has fleas, and they spend time in the house, then areas of your home are infected. Therefore, getting rid of them is essential. Otherwise, they will lay eggs and spread throughout the home. For this reason, use the treatment everywhere the cat has been.

The bottom line is that cat flea treatments are a dime a dozen today. The important thing is that you take your time, read reviews of anything you are considering, and follow the directions exactly. This is how to get rid of fleas and prevent harming your pet.

If you love your pet and want to provide a natural and safe treatment that will help your pet get better and recover quickly then click here now.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

General Information on Cat Fleas

Cat fleas are pests that can provide discomfort for your pet cat and for your family. They can become quite troublesome, and most cat owners will have to deal with this kind of problem with their feline pets at some point in time. You should know how to identify when your cats have fleas and how you can get rid of those pests.

Scratching themselves is one thing that cats usually do. However, if you observed that your cat is scratching more than usual, then you should try to see if he or she has fleas. Try checking for flea droppings along the spine of your cat. You find flea droppings along the area which consists mainly of dried blood if your cat has fleas. Because cat fleas feed on your cat's blood, anemia is one of the many problems that can possibly arise.

Flea bites leave behind red marks on your cat's skin which can be extremely itchy. This causes your cat to scratch excessively on those spots. Continuous scratching on the flea bites can cause it develop into a rash and ultimately into a sore. When this happens, it can easily get infected which can result to allergic dermatitis. This can damage your cat's skin and its coat.

Since fleas are parasites which can transfer from one cat to another, they can carry other diseases and microorganisms with them as well. This can include viral and bacterial infections, and even tapeworms.

Fleas have an average lifespan of 6 months, but can survive on a host for two years depending on the conditions. With this time, they can lay hundreds of eggs which will hatch and become adults themselves in 3-5 weeks time. They strive most in humid conditions. They transfer from one animal to another by jumping since adult fleas don't have wings. They can also transfer on humans and can serious problems for you as well.

It is best that you treat your cat's flea problem early before the situation aggravates. If you have other cats which are not yet infected, it would be wise to separate them from the one with flea infestation. Fleas can drop on the floor, carpets, and curtains or even on your furniture. From there they will lay and hatch their eggs. If you allow your cat to sleep in a cat bed, then make sure that you separate it from your other cats.

In treating cat fleas, you don't only treat your cat, but your entire home for the matter. Since fleas can lodge into different areas in your homes, they can still cause a problem to you even if you treated your cat.

There are several treatments available for cat fleas. You can try consulting your vet for a suitable flea shampoo that you can use to bathe your cat with. However, you should make sure that you get a shampoo that is suitable for cat use and not those that are made for dogs. Bathe your cat with the cat flea shampoo for two weeks in order to get rid of the flea infestation on your cat.

Another treatment method is by putting a flea collar on your cat. This can help protect your cat and reduce the infestation. However, it may be risky if you have small children at home who are fond of playing with your cat. Flea collars have chemicals which can be harmful to your children if they touch it and place it in their mouths.

Ella Hall enjoys writing for which sells cat beds and cat bed as well as a host of additional products.

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