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Thursday, September 30, 2010

What to Do About Fleas and Ticks in Your Home

Frontline Plus for flea and tick control and prevention are tools that a responsible pet owner can use to stay on top of pest problems. Puppies and dogs are a common carrier of the tiny pests. Something that everyone should know about dog flea control and puppy flea control is that fleas can come into the home in many different ways. Fleas can come in on the soles of your shoes, on your clothing, or anything else that you may bring from outside the house to the inside. Fleas are parasitic in nature, and they hitch a ride on the skin of mammals and bite and feed on their host's fluids.

Fleas can carry different diseases that are harmful to their hosts. Because fleas feed on blood and due to a particularly harmful disease carried by fleas, they can cause anemia in your puppy or dog. Anemia is especially dangerous in puppies, as it can be fatal. It is important to note that fleas can live year round and so year round protection and prevention is important.

There are many different types of flea control products from powders to pills, collars, washes and sprays. You need to be careful though, it is not recommended that you bathe puppies under a certain age and some flea and tick prevention chemicals can be very toxic. Consult with your veterinarian for help in solving the flea problem in your puppy or dog. Remember, when you purchase flea control products like Frontline for Dogs from a veterinarian, they'll usually come with some kind of guarantee.

Some things you should do around your home if you have had a flea infestation include a deep cleaning of all surfaces. Vacuum the rugs and carpets thoroughly to suck up any larvae or eggs that have lodged deep into the pile of the carpet. Then steam clean to kill any that may have remained behind after vacuuming. Make sure to change and dispose of the vacuum bag properly. Vacuuming and steam cleaning should be performed on your dog's bedding as well as your own. Any surface where fleas in their different stages of life could have infested should be treated in the same manner.

Ticks are another problem for dogs and puppies. Ticks are parasitic insects that bite and live off of the fluids of their hosts. Ticks carry many diseases including Lyme disease. Deer commonly carry ticks, but they can be carried by dogs and humans as well. You should always do a "tick check," by inspecting yourself and your dog or puppy after spending time outdoors. You can perform tick control and prevention in your environment by removing piles of leaves and debris from around your yard. There are varied topical products that you can use on dogs, but use extra caution when treating puppies with tick control products. You should wash your dog or cat's bedding on a regular basis to keep any ticks from gaining easy access to your pet. It is best to consult with a veterinarian in using products to control ticks. As with fleas, ticks are a year round problem for cats and dogs. Frontline for Cats and Frontline for Dogs could help you to keep your cat or dog safe from pests. The best prevention will require vigilance by you the pet owner to control ticks from harming your pet, but Frontline Plus can make the job a lot easier.

Ticks are another problem for dogs and puppies. Ticks are parasitic insects that bite and live off of the fluids of their hosts. Ticks carry many diseases including Lyme disease. Deer commonly carry ticks, but they can be carried by dogs and humans as well. You should always do a "tick check," by inspecting yourself and your dog or puppy after spending time outdoors. You can perform tick control and prevention in your environment by removing piles of leaves and debris from around your yard.

There are varied topical products that you can use on dogs, but use extra caution when treating puppies with tick control products. You should wash your dog or cat's bedding on a regular basis to keep any ticks from gaining easy access to your pet. It is best to consult with a veterinarian in using products to control ticks. As with fleas ticks are a year round problem for cats and dogs. Frontline for Cats and Frontline for Dogs could help you to keep your cat or dog safe from pests. The best prevention will require vigilance by you the pet owner to control ticks from harming your pet, but Frontline Plus can make the job a lot easier.

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