Fleas are small insects usually dark in color, such as brown to almost black, that have specialized mouth part that can pierce the skin of its host and suck blood. It is from the hosts' blood that they get the nutrients that they need to survive. They also have long hind legs that are ideal for taking ling jumps, making them more difficult to catch and making it easier for them to move about from one area or host to another.
Fleas are usually found in pet dogs and cats but can easily be transferred to humans. They can make their hosts uncomfortable. Some may also be allergic to the fleas' saliva which gets mixed in when they pierce the skin and suck their hosts' blood. The constant itchy feeling and scratching that can lead to breaking the skin and getting wounds and scrapes that may get infected when left untreated.
The most common ways to remove and control fleas in the house are by using foggers and flea bombs that release insecticides that targets these pests. These are generally designed to be placed in the middle of the room for maximum dispersion of the insecticide. Here are a few reminders when using foggers and flea bombs:
1. To remove and control fleas in the house, choose products that have IGR or Insect Growth Regulators. These contain a certain protein that can halt the growth of flea eggs as well as those in the larvae stage. Through this, you are controlling the recurrence of the flea infestation after a few weeks when they would have grown to maturity.
2. Before releasing the insecticide, vacuum inside your house. Fleas love to stay in dark areas so make sure to vacuum the corners of the room and under the furniture and beds. Fleas in the pupae stage will be well protected from insecticides since their cocoon is water tight. That is why vacuuming is an important step to tackle fleas' eggs and pupae.
3. Remove bed or furniture covers and wash them thoroughly in soap and warm water to remove any eggs, larvae or pupae that may be clinging to them. Make sure to dry them under the sun since the light is aversive to fleas.
4. Remove other small pets and even plants that may be inside the room before releasing the insecticide since there may be unpleasant side effects to them. Also, do not allow anyone, especially small children to be exposed to the insecticides.
In order to further remove and control fleas in the house, remove them from the source - your pet dogs and/or cats. Most people would know that flea powders, collars and dips can remove fleas from pets. However, responsible pet owners would know that there are other more effective and safer ways of treating fleas in pets.
Top spots are products that are applied to the skin of the host to address flea issues. There are also chewable tablets for dogs available in the market that presumable assures total flea eradication within 4 hours of ingestion. Natural methods of removing and controlling fleas in your pets are also available. Spray a fine mist of a mixture of lemon and water on your pets' fur and this will act as a natural flea repellent. The same is true if you mix lemongrass or peppermint with water.
Treat your pets and house on the same day. This will relatively assure you that you have control over the resurgence of fleas in your house. Moreover, you can expect that within 2 weeks, fleas may be back in your house. These may come from the eggs that have hatched since the treatment or the maturity of those in the pupae stage. In this case, repeat treatment and keep pets healthy and clean.
Fleas usually only infest pets that are unhealthy and unclean. So keeping pets healthy and clean is an assurance of a fleas-free house.
Please click these links if you want to read about fleas in house or if you need more information about how to control fleas in the house.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Peter_Garant